The combined community support from this donor program helps fund important components of the Terre Haute Area Meals on Wheels program. Your monthly donation can be directed to the following group funds:
LOCAL BUSINESSES: We would be happy to discuss how your company can make an on-going monthly donation to the Terre Haute Area Meals on Wheels program!
We would be happy to discuss how your company can make an on-going monthly donation to the Terre Haute Area Meals on Wheels program!
As part of our Friends & Family Donor Program, we are asking you to choose an area of our program to support, and then set up your monthly gift as a recurring donation through the form below. Please check that box after entering your amount.
(Note, if you do not wish to use a credit/debit card to set up an automatic monthly donation, you can choose the "mail a check" option and use postal mail to send your contribution each month - we can even provide envelopes for you to use)
Here are some thoughts as you consider your donation to this fund: